ACE Family Book Fair Night TONIGHT 5:45-7:00
over 6 years ago, Mrs. Wuest
Fundraiser items are ready for pick up!! You may pick them up now until 5:45 p.m. If your child rides the bus and you have not picked up their fundraiser items, items will be sent home with them.
over 6 years ago, Kristy Theis
Poinsettias will be available for purchase from Pawnee ISD on Wednesday, November 28th for $15.
over 6 years ago, Kristy Theis
Poinsettia Sale
Indian and Redwings first basketball game of the season is tomorrow at 5:30 & 6:15 in Tivoli #goindiansandredwings
over 6 years ago, Mrs. Wuest
Basketball Game- Monday, Nov. 12th
Pawnee ISD would like to remind you to join us Friday, November 9th at 9 a.m. for our Veteran's Day program. We are proud to honor those who have served and ask those brave men and women to join us to be recognized.
over 6 years ago, Kristy Theis
Veteran's Day
Pawnee hoodie orders will be placed at 2:00 p.m. today. Last chance to get your order in!
over 6 years ago, Kristy Theis
Pawnee Hoodie
Don't miss the book fair! November 12th-15th in the Pawnee ISD library.
over 6 years ago, Kristy Theis
Book Fair
Get you order in! Pawnee Hoodies will be ordered tomorrow, November 6th for $25.
over 6 years ago, Kristy Theis
The annual Thanksgiving lunch at Pawnee ISD will be on November 15th. If you plan on joining your child(ren) please purchase your meal tickets by Monday, November 9th. Students of Pawnee ISD will eat free. Non Pawnee ISD child meal tickets are $3. Adult meal tickets are $5.
over 6 years ago, Kristy Theis
Thanksgiving Meal
At Pawnee ISD we STICK TOGETHER in helping Toys For Tots! On Thursdays in November, your child can bring gifts to donate to Toys For Tots! November 8th: New toys for all ages. November 15th: New stocking stuffers. November 29th: New books for all ages
over 6 years ago, Kristy Theis
Thankful Thursdays
2018-2019 Pawnee ISD Girls & Boys Basketball Schedule.
over 6 years ago, Kristy Theis
Basketball Schedule
Thank you, parents & community members for treating our students at trunk or treat!
over 6 years ago, Mrs. Wuest
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you, Pioneer for hosting our students today!
over 6 years ago, Mrs. Wuest
Thank you!
Thank you, Pawnee Volunteer Fire Department for treating our students at Trunk or Treat
over 6 years ago, Mrs. Wuest
Thank you!
Thank you, ConocoPhillips for treating our students at Trunk or Treat!
over 6 years ago, Mrs. Wuest
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
8th grade students are headed home. They should return to school between 4:00 and 5:00 p.m.
over 6 years ago, Mrs. Wuest
8th grade
PreK-4th costume parade at 11:15 tomorrow. All visitors must check in at the office
over 6 years ago, Mrs. Wuest
5th-7th Grade students attending the San Antonio Zoo field trip tomorrow, October 31st, should wear a red, blue or gray shirt. Sack lunch will be provided. Students may bring a water bottle and snack in a small bag. No cell phones/electronic devices. Students may bring a digital or disposable camera. Students will be allowed to visit the gift shop at the end of the day if they bring money.
over 6 years ago, Kristy Theis
On Monday Pre-K 3 & 4 learned about what plants need to grow and planted acorns with Mrs. Masseau.
over 6 years ago, Mrs. Wuest
Science in PreK
Science in PreK
Science in PreK
Packing List for the 8th grade Retreat to Sky Ranch. Please arrive to the school by 4:15 a.m. on Monday October 29th. A note went home with 8th grade today that needs a parent signature. Please send it with your child on Monday morning. Thank you!
over 6 years ago, Kristy Theis
Packing list
8th grade retreat permission slip