August 9, 2023
A note from our Superintendent, Mr. Anthony Annis! Mr. Annis is a great addition to Pawnee ISD and we are excited to see what our future brings with him as our leader!

April 3, 2023
We have access to FREE mental health services through TCHATT. Please reach out to the counselor for more information.

January 6, 2023
Please join us for our SHAC Meeting on Wednesday, January 11th at 10:00am! Please see the included agenda.

November 30, 2022
The Pawnee ISD School Health Advisory Committee is looking for new members! If you are interested in joining, please fill out the form or click the link below to submit your form...

October 15, 2021
Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas has invited all of our parents to virtually join their parenting program. Please click on the flyer below for more information. To r...
May 19, 2021
Click the link below for application. Notice To Pupil Transportation Vendors NOTICE TO PUPIL TRANSPORTATION VENDORS
May 18, 2021
Laura Bush Foundation Grant Award

November 2, 2020
Pawnee ISD offers anonymous reporting of bullying incidents through a program called STOPit.
Students, parents, school staff and anyone else with knowledge of an incident can ...

April 1, 2020
Pursuant to his powers as Governor of the State of Texas, Greg Abbott has issued the following: Executive Order No. GA-14 relating to statewide continuity of essential services an...

August 7, 2019
News Release
CONTACT: Monica Hayes, Outreach Director
PHONE: 817-562-4957
E-MAIL: mhayes@educationinaction.org
May 13, 2019
Communities impacted by Hurricane Harvey across Texas are working to restore the health and well-being of children, families, and entire neighborhoods. Because mental health is an...

May 2, 2019
As of Tuesday, April 30, parents can review their students’ tests item by item. Parents can access their child’s results using a unique access code, which can be found at the bo...

April 18, 2019
Pawnee ISD has a great opportunity to partner with ESC 2 to participate in the Adult Education Literacy Program. We are asking that all parents take a short survey that can be fou...

January 17, 2019
This program allows you to notify the school of pickup changes or authorize other family members to pick-up child from school and manage carpool with other parents at school. Pik...

November 16, 2018
The official app for Pawnee ISD allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Customize the app to display information relevant to a speci...

October 18, 2018
Pawnee ISD offers anonymous reporting of bullying incidents through a program called STOPit. Below you can watch a short video about what STOPit is. Also below is a link to the ...

October 18, 2018
The following video can help 8th graders prep for the math portion of the TSI.