Day one of the Mobile STEM Lab was a huge success! It also was crazy hair day.
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Wuest
Medusa wouldn't be CRAZY enough to meddle with drugs! Show us your CRAZY HAIR tomorrow for Red Ribbon Week!
over 4 years ago, Kristy Theis
Crazy Hair
Dracula says staying drug free is “fang” tastic! Wear RED on Monday!
over 4 years ago, Kristy Theis
Pawnee Athletics Basketball Practice Schedule: Week of 10/26-10/30
over 4 years ago, Michael Soto
Basketball Practice Schedule
We’re excited to have the opportunity from TEA & Learning Undefeated to bring a mobile STEM Lab to our students! Our students will get to participate in the STEM Lab next week. Students don’t forget your permission slip!
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Wuest
Spook Tacular Red Ribbon Week is next week, October 26th-30th!
over 4 years ago, Kristy Theis
Red Ribbon Week
Join us in earning money for our school by using the Box Tops app. It’s an easy way to make a difference. Use the link below to download the Box Tops app:
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Wuest
Boys and girls basketball practice schedule 10/19 - 10/23
over 4 years ago, Michael Soto
Basketball Practice Schedule
ACE Update... Starting Monday, Oct. 19th-Monday thru Thursday afternoon ACE will be for Kinder to 5th grade students. Friday afternoons and every morning will remain for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade only. Afternoon ACE will only release at 4:45 or 5:45 p.m. to limit the number of visitors on campus. Please remain in your vehicle and we will bring your child to you at 4:45 or 5:45. We will not have ACE bus transportation at this time. Thank you for your patience and flexibility! Please make sure to update your PikMyKid calendar if your child will be staying for ACE.
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Wuest
Don’t forget tomorrow is picture day!
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Wuest
Reminder: Picture Day is Friday, October 16th
over 4 years ago, Kristy Theis
Picture Day
Spook Tacular Red Ribbon Week is October 26th-30th!
over 4 years ago, Kristy Theis
Spook Tacular Red Ribbon Week
Football & volleyball practice schedule 10/13-10/16
over 4 years ago, Michael Soto
Practice schedule 10/13-10/16
Remember Monday, Oct. 12 is a school holiday.
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Wuest
We loved CELEBRATING our AMAZING staff this morning with coffee and donut treat room service! ♥️💙♥️
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Wuest
ACE is asking that all parents complete this quick survey to help with planning for the next six weeks. Please click the link below at access the survey.
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Wuest
Updated football schedule! Go Indians!!
over 4 years ago, Kristy Theis
Football Schedule
Today, 10/7 is the last day to order a candy and prize filled pumpkin for your pumpkin! Order over the phone with credit card by calling 361-456-7256
over 4 years ago, Kristy Theis
Pumpkin Order Form
Two new Pawnee Spirit shirts are available for purchase online, until Sunday, October 11th. Click the link to shop!
over 4 years ago, Kristy Theis
Spirit Wear
Details for Thursday's football game vs. St. Joseph: Date: 10/8/2020 Address: 310 Orth St, Yoakum, TX 77995 Game Time: 5:00pm There will be no ticket sales. Entry to game will be free of charge. A mask will be required for entry. There are no stands so please bring lawn chairs.
over 4 years ago, Michael Soto