Just a quick reminder please complete the ADSY Community Survey by the end of the day today!
Football & Volleyball practice schedule 10/5-10/9
Link to purchase tickets for tomorrow’s football game at 10am in Pawnee.
Attention all parents and community members,
Please take a minute to complete the survey linked below. Our campus is in the phase I / planning process of the additional day school year (ADSY). Through an additional day school year, we have the opportunity to redesign each school day using the gift of time. We appreciate your feedback through this planning process.
Click the link below to complete the survey:
The survey will close on Oct. 6th.
Updated football schedule for the Pawnee Indians! The Indians will play this Saturday, October 3rd on the Pawnee home field at 10 a.m.
Homecoming Game 2020
Updated football schedule:
Reminder that tickets for tomorrow's volleyball game are on sale now to parents of athletes until 7pm today. You will need to type in the student id for your child in the PROMO code section to access these tickets. General admission for tickets open at 7pm today and will be available until game time.
Link to purchase tickets: https://www.pawneeisd.net/page/athletics
Don’t forget to bring your lawn chairs to the game to help with social distancing.
Go Indians!❤️💙
The Pawnee store is open to purchase Pawnee merchandise in the front office today from 1-4:45 p.m. Masks are required to enter the building. We accept, cash, card or check. Pawnee merchandise will also be available at the homecoming football game on Saturday! We have new hats, shirts and face masks! Go Indians and Redwings!
Early Voting Dates: October 13, 2020 - October 30, 2020
Election Day: November 3, 2020- General Election
Please see the pictures below for dates, times and voting locations. You can also visit http://www.co.bee.tx.us/page/bee.ElectionAdministrator for more information.
Community members, local businesses and parents are invited to join our ADSY Focus Group Zoom meeting on Oct. 1st @ 9:30-11:00 a.m. Please RSVP by email to Stephanie Porter: sporter@pawneeisd.net
Thank you for your participation!
Order a safe, candy and prized filled Pumpkin for your Pumpkin! Large filled pumpkins are $10, small filled pumpkins are $5. Orders are due by Wednesday, October 7th! Pumpkins will be distributed on Friday, October 30th! Pay by cash, check (payable to Pawnee ISD) or credit card (call 361-456-7256).
Ticket Buying Guidelines for Sporting Events
This information and ticket purchase can also be accessed through the Pawnee ISD website at https://www.pawneeisd.net/page/tickets
Redwings open the volleyball season with a road win against Charlotte!
Picture Day is Coming! Friday, October 16, 2020. Order online at mylifetouch.com with the Picture Day ID: EVTNTR32B
Football & volleyball practice schedule for 9/21-9/25. Guidance on how to purchase tickets for home games will be given later in the week.
Don't forget Monday starts Homecoming Spirit Week!! The Pawnee Indians will play Saturday, September 26th at 10 a.m. on the Indian's homefield in Pawnee. Bring a chair and come out to support your 2020 Pawnee Indians!
Volleyball schedule for the 2020 season.
Charlotte's game has announced that no visitors will be permitted into the game. Please refer to their website for a link to watch the game live.
Updated Football Schedule for the 2020 season.